15 days ago
•Patch Notes•258 replies0.1.1b Patch Notes (restartless)

0.1.1b Patch Notes
- Added a new client command line option which sends us additional debug information (API markers, NVIDIA Nsight Aftermath, and DRED) from DirectX 12 client crashes. If you're experiencing a large number of crashes and using DirectX 12, then temporarily enabling this will assist us in identifying the cause. This can be enabled by adding "--ex-crash-report" to your Path of Exile 2 command line arguments/launch options.
- Fixed a bug where on rare occasions Zarokh, the Temporal could kill all targets of the hourglass time trial skill without giving a chance to avoid it.
- Fixed a bug where Una was not playing the audio for her song selections.
- Fixed a client crash related to checkpoint UI.
- Fixed an instance crash.
This patch has been deployed without restarting the servers. You will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this patch.