Ascendancy Classes
Explore Path of Exile 2's unique ascendancy classes. Each class offers distinct playstyles, abilities, and build opportunities. Choose your path and master your class's unique powers.

Masters of divine magic and holy powers, Acolytes channel sacred energies to smite foes and protect allies.
Key Features
Divine spell specializationHoly damage amplificationSupport and healing capabilitiesEnergy shield mastery

Blood Mage
Dark spellcasters who harness their own vitality to fuel devastating blood magic.
Key Features
Blood magic masteryHealth-based spellcastingLife force manipulationBlood orb generation

Time-wielding mages who manipulate the flow of battle through temporal magic.
Key Features
Time manipulationCooldown reductionAction speed controlTemporal shields

Elite marksmen who excel at precision strikes and projectile mastery.
Key Features
Projectile masteryCritical strike expertiseRange enhancementPrecision targeting

Technomancers who harness the power of skill gems through direct integration.
Key Features
Gem empowermentSkill fusionGem slot manipulationEnhanced gem effects

Masters of hellfire who command devastating fire magic and demonic powers.
Key Features
Fire masteryIgnite specializationDemonic empowermentArea damage

Elemental specialists who combine different elements for devastating effects.
Key Features
Element combinationSpell weavingElemental masteryCombo system

Masters of alchemy who enhance their abilities through magical concoctions.
Key Features
Flask masteryPoison expertiseNature magicMovement skills

Lightning masters who harness the raw power of storms and electricity.
Key Features
Lightning masteryChain lightningShock applicationStorm calling

Mighty warriors who excel in physical combat and defensive capabilities.
Key Features
Physical masteryDefensive prowessEnduranceWeapon expertise

Battle commanders who empower themselves and allies through war cries.
Key Features
War cry masteryRally mechanicsAlly empowermentCombat control

Witch Hunter
Specialized hunters who excel at tracking and eliminating supernatural threats.
Key Features
Curse expertiseMark systemSupernatural huntingDebuff mastery